Woman with 2 wombs pregnant in both after miracle conception

A woman born with two wombs has conceived in both after a ‘one in 50 million’ miracle – and the babies are expected to be born around Christmas. Kelsey Hatcher, a 32-year-old massage therapist from Alabama, learned about her condition, ‘uterus didelphys,’ at the age of 17.

This rare condition results in women having a double uterus and affects approximately 0.3% of women. Kelsey discovered the surprising dual pregnancy during an eight-week ultrasound visit in May.

Kelsey and her husband Caleb are now preparing for Cesarean sections for at least one of the babies – or possibly both.

The mother-of-three shares her journey on the Instagram account ‘doubleuhatchlings.’

She wrote: ‘We were kind of blown away! During that first ultrasound, we had LOTS of laughs.’

Kelsey hopes to have a natural birth for Baby A and Baby B, whom she affectionately calls ‘the girlies’.

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