UK hot weather RETURNING: Sweltering autumn heatwave to hit Britain THIS WEEKEND

A colossal pocket of warm air originating from the Mediterranean is set to envelop Britain this weekend, cranking up the thermostat for another unusual autumn heatwave. A tropical surge nearing 30 degrees Celsius could potentially match the historic heatwave experienced last week, once again putting September temperature records at risk.

According to experts, a sinuous “warm front” extending across the nation will place the southern regions squarely in the path of this scorching heatwave. Sun-loving Britons can anticipate an abundance of sunshine and pleasantly warm temperatures, although a potential downside looms in the form of violent thunderstorms.

James Madden, a forecaster for Exacta Weather, remarked, “There is a high degree of confidence that another expansive area of high pressure will elevate temperatures from the end of this week and into the weekend. We are anticipating conditions akin to the recent heatwave in terms of peak temperatures and duration. Furthermore, as the month progresses, there is the possibility of high pressure strengthening and enveloping the country in continuous sunshine and pleasant temperatures. This may also lead to the breaking of more temperature records for September by the month’s end.”

Over the next few days, warmth will be drawn in from France and the western Mediterranean as low-pressure systems shift northward in the UK. A vast warm front extending from Scandinavia to the French coastline will guide this scorching air mass over southern Britain.

The mercury will commence its ascent starting today, with Friday and Saturday poised to deliver the most scorching temperatures.

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